Fireman Hot Conflict: Extinguishing ThrillFireman Hot Conflict is an action-packed mobile game. Players take on the task of extinguishing the fires that burn in flames by directing the main character of the game with the help of the joystick. The aim of the game is to earn money by performing successful firefighting operations and to become a more effective firefighter by strengthening ourselves with these money.Game MechanicsFireman Hot Conflict is a game with simple and addictive gameplay. Players find themselves as a firefighter from the very beginning of the game. Their job is to go to different places where there are fires, put out the fires and protect the environment.In the game, you direct your character using joystick controls. When you go to the area where the fire is, you use your water gun to put out the fire. The water gun is the main tool for putting out fire, but as the game progresses, you can strengthen your equipment and make it more effective.Every firefighting operation allows you to earn money. You get a certain amount of money for each fire you put out. Using these coins you can strengthen yourself and become a more effective firefighter. For example, you can increase the power and range of your water gun, buy faster fire extinguishing equipment.